

case study


SAPIENS stands for Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems. SAPIENS Network is an international training network of 10 EU universities and 18 partner organisations (including international organisations, public purchasers, R&D centres, public and independent expertise centres, a lobbyist and a US academic institution (GWU). The network was created because unleashing the potential of SPP requires a new generation of experts capable of working across disciplines (law, economics, business sciences) and knowledgeable of the different relevant methodologies.




48 Months

Areas of Focus

Strategy, Website Creation, Marketing Setup, Communications

Absolutely one of my favorite consultants to work with because of the care, ingenuity, and productive and beyond-expectation outcomes that are consistently achieved.
 – Marta Andhov


 The Challenge

Challenge & Solution

SAPIENS Network, a newly formed international group of experts, was brought together through a Horizon 2020 grant to create a novel PhD program. The challenge was to adhere to the grant’s requirements to communicate and disseminate the network’s research as widely and easily as possible while elevating everything that the network produced to showcase the modernity of the project.

SAPIENS needed a website that reflected their brand and mission, while also being social media-ready, blog-ready, and email marketing-ready. The project had a tight 3-month deadline for creating a dynamic website, complete with all new branding creation of colors, fonts, and logos.

They also required a marketing setup that included email capture on the website, social media account branding and setup, and a connection to an email marketing service. Additionally, the website needed to include video creation and an interactive map showcasing the network’s reach.

Furthermore, the steering committee needed marketing expertise to create a detailed communication strategy that outlined exactly how SAPIENS Network aimed to reach and grow the audience for their research while adhering to the outlined objectives of the grant.

At Quill Shift, strategy leads everything we do. Guided by best practices, we led conversations that resulted in the creation of a website in line with the grant application and steering committee expectations and needs, set up email capture on the website, secured social media accounts, and connected them to the website and a social media scheduler. For the communication strategy, aligned with the core deliverables outlined in the grant, we created a detailed plan outlining goals, objectives, tactics, and best practices for sharing information through long-form content and across social media channels.

Let’s Start A Project