A selective sampling of past newsletters with advice for right now.
Originally shared November 2023.
What do you think about when you hear the term “hook”?
It calls up a lot of different imagery and uses, right? We can think of the hook of a song or the hook as a fastening device to secure something. We can think of a hook as a sharp, piercing fishhook, or if you’re really computer savvy, it could mean executing custom code on a website or program. No matter how you look at it, a hook connects you to something, which can be good or bad. When we think about our business, idea, or organization, sometimes we get hooked on things that are not serving us or are no longer helping us move forward. And for my friends who feel more comfortable supporting others instead of themselves…remember: If you are not at your best then you cannot support others in the best way possible. Going into the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to look back at how things went and what’s ahead. This can bring up lots of emotions like guilt, exhaustion, elation, and even hopefulness. Feel those feelings, but also allow yourself to do some unhooking from them. In prep, I took most of last month off to unhook myself from projects that no longer served me, from ideas that no longer served me, and create stories and systems that I could hook into that would nurture me as I close out the year. |
This came in the form of creating more strategies and systems in my business, hiring professionals to do things that they are trained for (and I’m not) to support me, taking a 5-day yoga retreat (that’s me in tree pose!) to refocus on nurturing my physical strength along with my mental strength, and reconnecting with family and friends who love and appreciate who I am, where I am.
As you sort out how the end of the year is shaping up for you, I offer a visualization of unhooking. What can you let go of that is weighing you down and really doesn’t need to be a part of your story any longer? What can you delegate to free up your time and energy so your talents can bring you closer to your goals? Picture yourself unhooking, disentangling, or even cutting yourself from situations, systems, ideas, thoughts, or stories that have come to be part of your day-to-day life that may no longer ring true. Things that do not allow you to be and work at your best. Did you pinpoint something to unhook that surprised you? |