
HUGE: The 4-step process to turn your idea into reality

Dec 20, 2024

image of quill shift founder in right corner red background abstract colorful images idea into reality text on image says your ideas could be huge. here's how.

A selective sampling of past newsletters with advice for right now.

Originally shared March 2023. Updated December 2024.

Are you feeling energized or, if you’re being honest with yourself, are you feeling a little stuck?

I’ve been in both places.

New year energy and drive now COMPLETELY worn off but those enticing thoughts still sticking around in my head, starting to collect dust, instead of transforming idea into reality.

Why does this happen?

Usually, because I didn’t have the guts to make my ideas my reality.

Let’s talk about what it looks like to actually grow your ideas into reality, and what it looks like when this reality becomes bigger than you ever thought possible.

Whether you’re a big dreamer or a more cautious thinker, there are a few key things you need to know about growing your idea from a tiny seed of inspiration to something tangibly brilliant.

🧠Brain Dump

First, you must get the idea out of your head. Even if it’s just a whisper of ‘what if’, sit down with a pen and paper, or with a document on your computer, or on a notes app, or in front of a person (like me) and brain dump everything you’re thinking about. When things go from in your head to written down – digitally or tangibly – that transformation and movement from one medium to another is the first step in making a nebulous idea into reality. It now exists outside of you.


Validation is a critical two-step process, with both internal and external components. Today, we’ll focus on the first step – internal validation. Initially, you may face internal obstacles, such as believing that you are not ready, or that the world is not prepared for your idea. To overcome these obstacles, recall a few key principles:

  1. What inspired you to create this idea in the first place?
  2. Why are you the ideal – or perhaps, unexpected yet necessary – individual to bring this idea to life?
  3. How many lives, and which ones, will be impacted if you succeed in launching this idea?

This validation step really helps you see how you can turn your idea into reality, and how that reality can and will positively affect so many others outside of yourself.

💭Goals and Intentions

Your goals become essential at this point. If you set reasonable and actionable goals, you’ll be much more likely to stay on top of the progress you make, which will energize you to keep going and reach those goals.

Real transformation doesn’t happen if we also don’t look at the way we’d like to feel when all is said and done. Setting those intentions and keeping track of those along the way also help us understand if and when we’ve reached our ideal destination.

🎯Priorities and Timelines

The best way to ensure your dream doesn’t feel too big or unwieldy for your team is to break up those goals into tasks and then prioritize those tasks and put them on a timeline. This helps narrow your focus and see what parts of your work will make a real difference once you start.

Here’s the truth: these aren’t the only steps, but they’re pretty darn important to grow your idea into something amazing.

And the pretty sweet thing is, I guide every one of my clients through these areas (and more) as they clarify and crystalize their ideas during my strategic marketing process.

If you’ve been craving an ear to share your next stage of creation with so that you can make it into the reality it was meant to be, then let’s talk.

I partner on this high-level marketing ideation journey with a limited number of clients each year.

These 1:1 creation experiences might be exactly what you need at this moment to quickly and confidently get your audacious idea out of your head and into the world in 2025.

Sometimes, all you need is one other person to hear you, believe in you, and cheer you on as you move your idea into reality. Other times, you need someone to roll up their sleeves and work alongside you to help hold the frame as you build the plane and fly the plane at the same time.

Thankfully, I’ve been in dozens of situations where I’ve done both. I love supporting people do more than they thought possible and create something better than they imagined.

If you’re ready to take your idea to reality, I’m ready to get excited with you and cheer you on.

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